
BRIEFJE VAN THEA – Aan de lezers van Jan

01-02-2018 08:30

Beste lezers van Jan,

De afgelopen nacht hoorde ik Jan in bed naast me praten.

Normaal praat ie in zijn slaap altijd met een zwaar Rotterdams accent, maar vannacht was het anders.

“We can’t wait for change to happen. We need to work together to shape the change we want to see. Everybody has a role to play”, zei ie. En daarna: “We need to continue this work and explore where we can really add value more efficiently but also empower members to do all that they can do better themselves.”

Ik gaf ‘m een duwtje. “Jan. Jan. Jan!”

Maar hij praatte gewoon door: “Jan? I’m the VP! It’s important to work towards a better future that creates and offers jobs, and not to linger in a mythical past. Public awareness and action is crucial too. We have to do this for our children and our grandchildren.”

Ik begon me wat zorgen te maken.

Want hij bleef maar doorgaan.

“We are not asking for favours or privilege. We are asking for equality. Feminism is a matter for men and women. It needs an alliance of those who are fighting and those who are uncomfortable with their privilege. If you challenge the powers that be and do not accept injustice, you will get a strong reaction and push back. But the reward is so huge when you achieve change. I cannot imagine my daughters being in the same position as their grandmothers were. Our mission is to make sure every single one has equal rights.”

Op een gegeven moment was ik het zat. Hij begon opeens perfect Roemeens te lullen!

“Urmărim cu îngrijorare evoluțiile recentedin România. Independența sistemului judiciar românesc și capacitatea sa de a combate în mod eficace corupția constituie pietre de temelie fundamentale ale unei Românii puternice în cadrul UE.”

Huh? Eng!

Ik pakte de thermometer en jaste ‘m zijn kont in. Normaal moet ie daar helemáál niks van hebben, maar nu schreeuwde hij: “More, Jean-Claude! Please, give me more!”.

Het verbaasde me niks dat ie 39,2 graden had.

Hij lag gewoon te ijlen!

Maar één ding zit me nu niet lekker. Weten jullie toevallig wie die Jean-Claude is?

