Media & TV

Washington Post: ‘ is een extreem-rechtse website’

07-03-2017 15:00


“Wilders was using Twitter to spark outrage and publicity long before Trump turned to electoral politics. A tweet last month of a leading political opponent, Alexander Pechtold, Photoshopped into a pro-sharia demonstration in London dominated political coverage for days. Wilders later acknowledged that the photo was fake but said Pechtold had recently been to a similar demonstration.

‘They don’t care about what is really true, what is a little true, or what is fake,’ Pechtold said. ‘And that’s of course what we have seen in the United States.’

In the far-right Web universe, the faked picture caused no uproar.

‘It’s a way of speaking to people,’ said Bert Brussen, editor of ThePostOnline, another far-right website where headlines on recent articles have included ‘Iraqis on Trial for Gang Rape in Vienna‘ and ‘Massacre by Islamic terror was again prevented in Germany.

‘A lot of what Wilders says, it’s Internet language,’ Brussen said. ‘The Internet makes them stronger, and they make the Internet stronger.'”


Je hebt de Washington Post, de New York Times, en de rest. De rest is vooral online en ‘extreem-rechts’, aldus de Washington Post zelf. Simpeler kan je wereldbeeld niet zijn, wel zo overzichtelijk.

Vandaar ook dat ze niet eens de moeite nemen voor een linkje zeker? Geen dank voor het interview, graag gedaan!